Isaac Nwoji
5 min readMay 30, 2021


free your mind, free yourself and grow
free your mind, free yourself, and grow.

I wasn’t ready to write this article, I had series of doubt regarding it and no way to wrap my fingers around it, when I tried to write, I felt the pain of what was happening in my life (ignorance) and how it has become our way of living.

I’m telling everyone to pay attention to how much each of us is doing to gain recognition in the world and not choosing to grow, and also trying so hard to imitate others while trying hard to maintaining their personality.

People get their results based on growth, and how you grow also determines your result, I want to share with you my first article on growth and how to grow effectively.

Always hold onto this, it’s after you’ve stepped outside of your comfort zone can you begin to shift, evolve, and transform. ~

Growth can occur at any point in our lives; it’s simply something that we must prioritize if we want to live a happy and peaceful life. I know we all want it — it’s what everyone desires, but doing it the wrong way would result in us living in hell with ourselves on Earth.

Growth only happens when you learn to shed the skin you’re in and lose the habits that aren’t pushing you forward so that you could blossom into who you’re meant to be.

Don’t wait till you start experiencing crisis within yourself, the crisis of identity, of purpose, of character, of heart, of life. Learn to grow and do the right thing that works for YOU.

“To be mature you have to realize what you value most. It is extraordinary to discover that comparatively few people reach this level of maturity. They seem never to have paused to consider what has value for them. They spend great effort and sometimes make great sacrifices for values that, fundamentally, meet no real needs of their own. Perhaps they have imbibed the values of their particular profession or job, of their community or their neighbors, of their parents or family. Not arriving at a clear understanding of one’s own values is a tragic waste. You have missed the whole point of what life is for.” ~ Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt

I divided people into three categories;

The first group of people is living in heaven on earth; they often internalize and have a sense of purpose.

The second group of people lives on earth fighting on which side to belong to and constantly contemplating between hell and heaven. This group of people suffers the most.

Finally, some are living in hell on earth, struggling internally while enjoying externally.

The wonderful thing about all of this is that you can choose which category you fall into; as I previously said, growth may occur at any point of your life if and only if you choose to incorporate all of the information I’m about to share, some of which you might already be aware of but choose to disregard and neglect.

Nothing you buy will ever make you more whole. Being Whole in yourself or within yourself thrives on us feeling always incomplete and this has left us searching for happiness in whatever thing it is we crave at that moment and it is why we can never really find it there, It is why you will sit there with the lover that you fought with, In the car you sweated years to buy, wearing the ring you dreamed of all your life and some part of you will still be unsure if this is what you really want. Stop craving and hold your own.

A person’s worth is measured by the worth of what he values. ~ Marcus Aurelius

But if you’re satisfied with where you’re at, with who you are, you won’t need to read this article, you won’t need to buy new make-up, or new outfits, or new pots and pans to cook new exciting recipes for new exciting people, to make yourself feel like the new exciting person you think you’re supposed to be.

Free yourself from all vanity And carry around you matter of honor and dignity, They’re of high esteem

What can be done to stay human?

To be human is to be imperfect and to make mistakes learn from them and reestablish yourself and keep growing, it is a natural occurrence that can’t be avoided, instead of beating yourself up as to why it occurred, learn from it and you’ll learn to grow with it. Rigidity in the face of complexity is toxic, when you are in total denial that becomes the end of you and you become stagnant and not opened to grow and learn, you keep convincing yourself you’re doing nothing wrong.

Life’s beauty is inseparable from its fragility.

Natural emotions should not be categorized as good or bad, understanding each emotion, and thought is a way you can be free and grow.

See negative, bad and good emotions as a part of growth accept it and understand why it is there in you and your loved ones and people around you without being bias, don’t treat it as if its poisonous and jump into a solution, sit down, journalize how you feel if you’re shy to talk to someone and if you are not shy to talk to someone don’t be scared to ask for help.

When you think you are in control of the emotions you are so bent on pushing aside, eventually, you would come to realize they control you. You can’t triumph over grief if you haven’t accepted it and dealt with it accordingly.

We own our emotions and thoughts; they don’t own us, emotion, and thoughts are data that, when processed by you, becomes information to you, to use and decide if it aligns with you. YOU take the actions. When you label your emotions more accurately, you can deal with the precise cause of those emotions more accurately.

Change some phrases you use to yourself don’t say I am sad, I am happy, instead use I’m noticing I’m feeling sad, now it sounds more like data for you to process.

What are my thought and emotion telling me?

Which would lead me to my value?

Which would draw me away from my value?

Thoughts and emotions are natural occurrences it’s what makes us human.

Final takeaway

When you need encouragement, think of the qualities the people around you have: this one’s energy, that one’s modesty, another’s generosity, and so on. Nothing is as encouraging as when virtues are visibly embodied in the people around us when we’re practically showered with them, it’s good to keep this in mind. ~ Marcus Aurelius.

Before my father passed away, one of the great things I learned from him was the really wonderful and strong word “WATCH”. That you can use when you associate yourself with anyone and choose which people you want around you as friends, growth also depends on the kind of friends you keep, there’s an adage which says “show me your friends, I’ll tell you who you are”. Take it or leave it you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. The people you spend the most time with shape who you are. Associate wisely.







Leave your comfort zone to move out there, change your mindset, perspective, habits, beliefs, explore, unlearn, and continuing to learn don’t ever trap yourself! Be free.




Isaac Nwoji
Isaac Nwoji

Written by Isaac Nwoji

Learn, Think, Grow, Solve and Create. A self-trained social psychologist, positive influence on personal growth. Enthusiastic leader

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